Springfield, MO 65802

(417) 990-5078


You have many options when it comes to choosing between drug rehab centers. With an increase in awareness about addiction and recovery, there is an increasing number of options for those seeking a substance abuse treatment facility for an addiction recovery program. A drug rehab center in Springfield, Missouri believes in a very thorough process regarding to addiction recovery, they do their best to make clients feel at home in their facility so they can truly become part of their family when they stay with us.


Their facility focuses on a form of recovery that includes supervised detox. It is a primary goal to offer a drug detox clinic that helps clients deal with the effects of ridding themselves of their addictions in a safe and secure environment. They believe that the safety of clients is of the utmost importance, which is why they are insistent on the significance of dual diagnosis in regards to mental health treatment. With opinions and diagnoses from two different doctors, they can be sure that the best course of treatment for clients is to ensure that they receive the treatment they require to reach their goals.


A drug rehab facility in Springfield is an addiction recovery center that fosters a sense of community between clients. They want everyone to feel like they are on a shared journey and that they can help each other succeed. This gives each client a sense of an extended support group beyond the professionals and program they provide. This is extremely important to the success of clients, knowing that there are others like them who are going through exactly what they are going through as well. Having that peer to peer support leads to greater levels of success.


They have also found that this feeling of community also leads to a more honest, and therefore effective, approach to addiction recovery. When clients feel more comfortable in this environment, they are more likely to speak about their experiences in an open and honest manner. This also allows professionals and staff to offer clients a unique treatment plan that is personalized to each client. This includes the various types of treatment methods they implement at an addiction treatment center in Springfield.


At an addiction treatment facility in Springfield, Missouri, they believe that detox is a very specific process, however it is different for each person who walks through their doors. This means that no two people will go through the same steps of detox or therapy. Even the aftercare for each person is different. It all depends on the needs of individual client. That’s why these centers is here to dedicate that time to you and your loved ones. By giving clients an environment that is welcoming and encouraging, clients will be surrounded by people who can make this process as easy and seamless as possible. The goal is always to keep clients on track in the addiction recovery facility, and beyond


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